Elevator and Escalator Safety

Elevator and Escalator Safety

31st Mar 2022

 Elevators and escalators have revolutionised the way we travel inside a big building. They were created to help move people between floors in a safe and easy manner, without the use of stairs. Thanks to them, we are now able to easily reach a store or office on a higher floor without sweating buckets. However, is our safety really ensured by these mechanisms? Read on to know which is safer between the two and to get a list of their safety features.

Elevator Vs Escalator: Which Is Safer?

Accidents can happen in any activity, and riding a lift or escalator is no exception. Although they seem less of a threat because many people are using them every day, did you know that thousands get injured or die worldwide every year because of them?

This does not mean that you should avoid using them though. These accidents are commonly caused by improper maintenance and lack of precautions, which can be prevented by proper escalator cleaning and maintenance. Overall, they are still one of the safest and most efficient forms of transportation.

But the question is, which is safer? Riding a lift or an escalator? We have listed the pros and cons of each one to help you decide on this.



Elevators occupy less space than escalators because they only move vertically. When it comes to tall buildings, elevators are much more efficient in bringing individuals to their desired floors in a short amount of time rather than putting an escalator on every floor. The latter is costly and would tire out people. Elevators are also useful when you want to bring heavier loads in one go. Lastly, they are ideal for reducing energy usage because they only function when there is someone who is about to use or is using them.

Safety Features:

  • Safety brakes
  • Door sensors
  • Door closing devices
  • Hoistway door interlocks
  • Hoistway safety switches
  • Door restraints
  • Emergency evacuation feature
  • Pit buffers
  • Emergency alarm switches
  • Emergency telephones or communication devices
  • Emergency lighting
  • Emergency power
  • Fire emergency systems


Because elevators are small, they have limitations on the number of people or loads they can carry. They also have a weight limit that must be followed to prevent any accident. Moreover, elevators might become a breeding ground for virus transmission because they require multiple individuals to be inside a small shaft. For those who are claustrophobic, riding an elevator can be a nightmare too.

With regard to safety, the problem that usually occurs is about mechanical issues and not human interaction, which is common in escalators.



When it comes to the number of people it can lift all at once, an escalator has the upper hand against an elevator. You also do not have to spend time waiting for a shaft to come down or up because an escalator is always on the go. In addition, no one would get trapped if ever it stops working because it will turn into normal stairs without power.

Safety Features:

  • Sensors that trigger an automatic shutdown if a component is outside of its normal position
  • Skirt brushes that help prevent objects from being caught in the escalator
  • Handrail motion detectors
  • Step integrity monitors
  • Missing step monitors
  • Comb plate detectors
  • Step level monitors
  • Skirt switches
  • Emergency stop buttons
  • Controlled stop braking
  • Understep lighting
  • Yellow comb fingers
  • Handrail guards


Although you do not have to wait before riding an escalator, its speed is slower compared to an elevator. It is inefficient when carrying items due to its narrow steps, which also makes it not wheelchair-friendly. Its power consumption can be high too because it is constantly moving. Lastly, because it is similar in design to normal stairs, an escalator takes a lot more space than an elevator.

In terms of safety, the common problems are human errors like getting stuck, slipping, taking the wrong step and more. There is also danger when children or elderlies use them without supervision.

You may have heard of horrifying stories about elevator accidents, but escalators actually have more numbers in terms of injuries and accidents. However, this is mostly due to people’s interaction with the mechanism. Some people accidentally take the wrong step, their shoelaces get sucked in, they sit on the handrail and they interact with the side of the escalator.

How Can We Improve Escalator Safety?

Escalators can be safe with proper maintenance and precautions. Aside from keeping a lookout for those using the escalator, it is important to keep it clean. The grime in the escalator, especially when left for too long, can cause mechanical issues because it can enter the internal mechanisms of the engines and clog important parts. This may lead to a malfunctioning escalator. Mechanical problems can also increase the risks, as well as the spilled liquids that can cause people to slip and be injured.

But how often should escalators be cleaned

If there are a small number of people using it, a weekly escalator cleaning procedure would be enough. Twice a week will do the job for medium numbers and daily if there are many people utilising it. However, it is still best to treat it like normal floors that should be cleaned daily, especially if there is a lot of visible dirt.

Escalator Cleaning with EscaTEQ

Do you want to make escalator cleaning and maintenance easier? Use EscaTEQ products and technology.

EscaTEQ is your one-stop escalator cleaning supply store. We sell only the latest, top-notch escalator cleaning machinery and equipment.

If you want to keep your escalator clean without taking too much time and manpower, our EscaTEQ tools and cleaning solutions would be a great help to you. They clean fast, deep and thoroughly. For more details about our products, call us on (03) 9460 5655.

EscaTEQ Makes Cleaning Escalators Easy

Tread-TEQ is a lightweight, one-person operational system designed to clean an escalator in just a few minutes.
Using the escalator's propulsion to generate the cleaning action so no outside power is required, there's no need to turn the escalator off whilst cleaning.


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